DRAFT - Results likely to change
Habitat-based North Atlantic right whale (NARW) density models for the U.S. Atlantic were downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP. The monthly images were deconstructed into data tables where each row represents a single grid cell, with columns representing attributes of that grid cell (e.g., cell id, cell centroid, cell area, month, density value). We then assigned each grid cell to several, nested areas by spatial intersection between the grid cell centroid and the considered areas polygons. All spatial layers used a bespoke Albers Equal Area coordinate reference system developed by the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University (CetMap_NA). Below are maps of the monthly NARW density data, with superimposed white outlines that denote some of the considered areas.
Below are boxplots of the monthly NARW densities by lease area (roughly ordered from north to south). The boxplots were drawn such that the lower whisker represents the 10th percentile, the lower hinge represents the 25th percentile, the dot represents the mean, the line represents the median, the upper hinge represents the 75th percentile, and the upper whisker represents the 90th percentile. Underneath a boxplot are Gantt charts indicating months that should impose temporal restrictions on OWD using several metrics (blue bars):
For all metrics, the blue bar indicates when the monthly value exceeded the average annual density for the respective region. As an example with the 90th percentile, the blue bar would indicate when the 90th percentile of monthly density in a lease area exceeded the average annual density for the respective region. The y-axis of the Gantt charts indicates the degree that lease areas were buffered (0km = not buffered, 10km = buffered by 10km, and 40km = buffered by 40km).