4 Connecting R and ArcGIS

You will need to install the R-ArcGIS Bridge for the appropriate version of R that you’re using, which can be found here. Once downloaded, you will need to unzip and install the package in R from the local file. Alternatively, you can install from ESRI directly in R:

install.packages("arcgisbinding", repos = "<https://r.esri.com>", type = "win.binary") 

For more documentation of R-Bridge for ArcGIS, see here. Also, you will need to install the ArcGIS metapackage, which is still in development and currently includes the arcgislayers and arcgisutils packages.


For updates, see here.

An example is presented below on how to pull data from ArcGIS online by using a feature layer or feature server url.

# load libraries

# connect to ArcGIS.com
arc.portal_connect(url =  "https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com", user = "", password = "") # enter ArcGIS.com username and password

# create an example map of USA using REST API Layer:USA Counties
# provide feature server url and feature layer
feature_server_url <- "https://services2.arcgis.com/FiaPA4ga0iQKduv3/arcgis/rest/services/TIGERweb_Counties_v1/FeatureServer/0"

# create a feature layer object
data <- arc_open(feature_server_url)

# query the feature layer and return the layer as an sf (simple feature) object
sf_data <- arc_select(data)

# create map from sf object
USA_map <- ggplot(data = sf_data)+
            geom_sf(fill = "white")+ #fill color white
            coord_sf(xlim= c(-13951910,-7000000), ylim = c(1000000, 7000000)) #set map coordinates (in meters)
Map of the USA.

Figure 4.1: Map of the USA.